Configuration File

The config file lets you define different aspects of the script.

This is the standard configuration with three defined example tables.

Language = {}
Config = {}
UsedLang = "en" -- make sure your language is added in the ./language folder
Config.Framework = "vorp2" --decide which framework u use (vorp/vorp2/redemrp/redemrp2/custom)
Config.Logmanager = false
Config.ConsoleMSG = false --turn on prints
Config.UsePlayerName = true --decide if the player name or the server id with a prefix should be displayed / Prefix setup in language file "NoPlayerNamePrefix"

Config.StartKey = 0xE3BF959B --R
Config.InfoKey = 0x1ECA87D4 --Q
Config.CamKey = 0x07B8BEAF -- CardsKey | Left Click
Config.RdyToPlayKey = 0xC7B5340A -- ENTER
Config.ChooseChipsLKey = 0x6319DB71 -- ARROW UP
Config.ChooseChipsRKey = 0x05CA7C52 -- ARROW DOWN
Config.SetChipsKey = 0xC7B5340A -- ENTER
Config.ChooseBetKey = 0x6DB8C62F -- SPACE
Config.ReplaceBetsKey = 0x17BEC168 -- E
Config.SpinRouletteKey = 0xC7B5340A -- ENTER
Config.SurrenderKey = 0x156F7119 --Backspace
Config.MoveUpDownLKey = 0x6319DB71 -- ARROW UP
Config.MoveUpDownRKey = 0x05CA7C52 -- ARROW DOWN
Config.MoveLeftRightLKey = 0xA65EBAB4 -- ARROW LEFT
Config.MoveLeftRightRKey = 0xDEB34313 -- ARROW RIGHT
Config.ColorOneKey = 0xE6F612E4 -- 1
Config.ColorTwoKey = 0x1CE6D9EB -- 2
Config.ColorThreeKey = 0x4F49CC4C -- 3

Config.TipTime = 3500 --timer for notification events
Config.ActionTimer = 120 --timer for player input | kicks players if player wont react on his/her turn until ActionTimer * 2
-- POSSIBLE COLORS: white | black | red | blue | green | pink
Config.Locations = {
    ["SaintDenisShip"] = {
        showBlip = 75, -- choose the rang of the blip spawn (-1 = always / 0 = never / >0 = if player is within the range)
        blipSprite = 1243830185, -- definie the blip sprite
        blipLocation = {x = 2868.71, y = -1402.33, z = 42.41, h = 230.0}, -- position of the blip
        npcLod = 25, -- optional flag to spawn a npc at the roulette table, needs the other npc... variables! 
        npcCoords = {x = 2869.95, y = -1402.5, z = 42.39, h = 56.66}, -- npc position, only needed if npcLod was set
        npcModel = "s_m_m_sddealer_01", -- npc model, only needed if npcLod was set
        npcVariation = 5, -- npc model varation, only needed if npcLod was set
        tblSpawn = true, -- set it to false if the table is already spawned through another script/mapping
        tblLod = 25, -- LOD of the spawned table
        tblCoords = {x = 2868.71, y = -1402.33, z = 42.41, h = 230.0}, -- position of the table object
        tblCamBetFieldOffset = {x = 0.4, y = -0.1, z = 1.7}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblCamRouletteOffset = {x = -0.745, y = -0.170, z = 1.8}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblRouletteWheelOffset = {x = -0.738, y = -0.172, z = 1.061}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblRange = 2.5, -- while playing roulette the player has to be within this range to the table, otherwise he will left the table
        Name = "Roulette Saint Denis", -- prompt name for the location
        promptLocation = {x = 2868.71, y = -1402.33, z = 42.41, h = 230.0}, -- position of the start prompt
        promptRadius = 1.9, -- radius of the start prompt
        pricePerChip = 2.5, -- define the price per chip
        chipColors = {"blue","green","red"}, -- used chips colors on the table
        odds = { -- define the different odd values
            ["straight-up"] = 35,
            ["split"] = 17,
            ["street"] = 11,
            ["corner"] = 8,
            ["five-line"] = 6,
            ["six-line"] = 5,
            ["dozen"] = 2,
            ["column"] = 2,
            ["low-numbers"] = 1,
            ["high-numbers"] = 1,
            ["red-numbers"] = 1,
            ["black-numbers"] = 1,
            ["odd-numbers"] = 1,
            ["even-numbers"] = 1,
        props = { -- table to spawn objects
            ["rake"] = {model= "p_rouletterake01x", x = 2868.948486328125, y = -1402.5693359375, z = 43.36999893188476, h = -51.76860046386719},
        delete = {} -- table to delete objects
    ["BlackwaterSaloon"] = {
        showBlip = 25, -- choose the rang of the blip spawn (-1 = always / 0 = never / >0 = if player is within the range)
        blipSprite = 1243830185, -- definie the blip sprite
        blipLocation = {x = -816.47, y = -1324.39, z = 46.84, h = 90.0}, -- position of the blip
        npcLod = 25, -- optional flag to spawn a npc at the roulette table, needs the other npc... variables! 
        npcCoords = {x = -816.8, y = -1326.01, z = 46.84, h = 357.18}, -- npc position, only needed if npcLod was set
        npcModel = "s_m_m_blwdealer_01", -- npc model, only needed if npcLod was set
        npcVariation = 1, -- npc model varation, only needed if npcLod was set
        tblSpawn = true, -- set it to false if the table is already spawned through another script/mapping
        tblLod = 25, -- LOD of the spawned table
        tblCoords = {x = -816.47, y = -1324.39, z = 46.84, h = 90.0}, -- position of the table object
        tblCamBetFieldOffset = {x = 0.4, y = -0.1, z = 1.7}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblCamRouletteOffset = {x = -0.745, y = -0.17, z = 1.8}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblRouletteWheelOffset = {x = -0.738, y = -0.172, z = 1.061}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblRange = 2.5, -- while playing roulette the player has to be within this range to the table, otherwise he will left the table
        Name = "Roulette Blackwater", -- prompt name for the location
        promptLocation = {x = -816.47, y = -1324.39, z = 46.84, h = 90.0}, -- position of the start prompt
        promptRadius = 1.9, -- radius of the start prompt
        pricePerChip = 1.75, -- define the price per chip
        chipColors = {"pink","white","green"}, -- used chips colors on the table
        odds = { -- define the different odd values
            ["straight-up"] = 35,
            ["split"] = 17,
            ["street"] = 11,
            ["corner"] = 8,
            ["five-line"] = 6,
            ["six-line"] = 5,
            ["dozen"] = 2,
            ["column"] = 2,
            ["low-numbers"] = 1,
            ["high-numbers"] = 1,
            ["red-numbers"] = 1,
            ["black-numbers"] = 1,
            ["odd-numbers"] = 1,
            ["even-numbers"] = 1,
        props = {}, -- table to spawn objects
        delete = { -- table to delete objects
            {model = "p_table06x", x= -816.367, y= -1324.49, z= 46.877},
            {model = "p_windsorchair03x", x= -816.374, y= -1325.307, z= 46.878},
            {model = "p_windsorchair03x", x= -816.324, y= -1323.625, z= 46.878},
    ["TumbleweedSaloon"] = {
        showBlip = 10, -- choose the rang of the blip spawn (-1 = always / 0 = never / >0 = if player is within the range)
        blipSprite = 1243830185, -- definie the blip sprite
        blipLocation = {x = -5512.137, y = -2916.273, z = 0.6, h = 120.0}, -- position of the blip
        tblSpawn = true, -- set it to false if the table is already spawned through another script/mapping
        tblLod = 25, -- LOD of the spawned table
        tblCoords = {x = -5512.137, y = -2916.273, z = 0.6, h = 120.0}, -- position of the table object
        tblCamBetFieldOffset = {x = 0.4, y = -0.1, z = 1.7}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblCamRouletteOffset = {x = -0.745, y = -0.170, z = 1.8}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblRouletteWheelOffset = {x = -0.738, y = -0.172, z = 1.061}, -- DON'T CHANGE, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
        tblRange = 2.5, -- while playing roulette the player has to be within this range to the table, otherwise he will left the table
        Name = "Roulette Tumbleweed", -- prompt name for the location
        promptLocation = {x = -5512.137, y = -2916.273, z = 0.6, h = 120.0}, -- position of the start prompt
        promptRadius = 1.9, -- radius of the start prompt
        pricePerChip = 0.75, -- define the price per chip
        chipColors = {"blue","green","red"}, -- used chips colors on the table
        odds = { -- define the different odd values
            ["straight-up"] = 35,
            ["split"] = 17,
            ["street"] = 11,
            ["corner"] = 8,
            ["five-line"] = 6,
            ["six-line"] = 5,
            ["dozen"] = 2,
            ["column"] = 2,
            ["low-numbers"] = 1,
            ["high-numbers"] = 1,
            ["red-numbers"] = 1,
            ["black-numbers"] = 1,
            ["odd-numbers"] = 1,
            ["even-numbers"] = 1,
        props = { -- table to spawn objects
            ["rake"] = {model= "p_rouletterake01x", x = -5512.4150390625, y = -2916.41259765625, z = 1.55999994277954, h = -164.99},
        delete = {} -- table to delete objects

-- Wrapper event names. Only used when Config.Framework is set to "custom"
Wrapper = {}
Wrapper.objectiveEvent = "myFrameWork:Objective"
Wrapper.TipEvent       = "myFrameWork:Tip"
Wrapper.HudOverride    = "myFrameWork:OverrideHUD"
Wrapper.getCharFromId  = "d_roulette:custom:getCharacterFromId" -- calls wrapper function from compatibility.luaa

Configure a roulette table

default value



Configure the blip range -1 = always shows blip 0 = dont show blip 25.0 = only shows blip if the player is in the given radius



hash of the blip sprite


{x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0}

position of the blip



optional flag to spawn a npc at the roulette table, needs the other npc... variables!


{x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, h = 0.0}

npc position, only needed if npcLod was set


npc model, only needed if npcLod was set


npc model varation, only needed if npcLod was set



set it to false if the table is already spawned through another script/mapping otherwise it will spawn a table on the specified tblCoords position





set the LOD distance of the spawned objects (cards, chips, etc.). When a player is more than (tblLod + 35) meters away the objects will be deleted. The objects will spawn again if the player is in range


{x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, h = 0.0}

use the exact coordinates and heading of the table object


{x = 0.4, y = -0.1, z = 1.7}

define the offset coords of the whole game field on the table


{x = -0.745, y = -0.170, z = 1.8}

define the offset position of the roulette camera regarding to the table coords and heading


{x = -0.738, y = -0.172, z = 1.061}

define the offset position of the roulette wheel camera regarding to the table coords and heading



while playing roulette the player has to be within this range to the table, otherwise he will left the table



the name for the prompt text


{x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0}

coordinates of the start prompt



radius of the start prompt



the price a player have to pay for one chip



define up to 3 possible chip colors that can be used on the table. possible colors: white, black, red, blue, green, pink


{ ["straight-up"] = 35, ["split"] = 17, ["street"] = 11, ["corner"] = 8, ["five-line"] = 6, ["six-line"] = 5, ["dozen"] = 2, ["column"] = 2, ["low-numbers"] = 1, ["high-numbers"] = 1, ["red-numbers"] = 1, ["black-numbers"] = 1, ["odd-numbers"] = 1, ["even-numbers"] = 1, }

define the different odd values



["id"] = {model = "", x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, h = 0.0}


define different object which should spawn on the table



["id"] = {model = "", x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, h = 0.0}


define different object which should be deleted near to the table

Last updated