Update to v3

Everyone who purchased the script before April 27, 2024, should follow this guide to update!

1. Backup Your Current Files!:

  • Make a backup of the following files from your current poker script:

    • config.lua

    • server/compatibility.lua

    • language/yourLanguage.lua (Replace "yourLanguage" with the name of your language file)

    • All files inside html/img/cards/ (if you have made any changes)

2. Replace Existing Files:

  • Delete all files inside the d_texasholdem folder.

  • Copy the new files provided with the update into the d_texasholdem folder.

3. Update Configuration File:

  • Open the new config.lua file located under public/config.lua.

4. Select Language:

  • Set one of the preconfigured languages:

    • de (German)

    • en (English)

    • fr (French)

  • If your language isn't preconfigured:

    • Copy your backed-up language file into the language folder.

    • Set your language variable in the config.lua file.

    • Add additional language lines provided in the update to your language file.

--prompt names
["StartLabel"] = "{ConfigLocationsName}\n~t2~BuyIn: ~q~${PRICE}",
["ShowdownRound"] = "Showdown round, cards are revealed.",
["SeatOccupied"] = "This seat is already occupied.",
--NUI stuff
["ChooseSmallBlind"] = "Choose the value of the small blind!",
["ChooseSmallBlindOther"] = "Wait for choosing small blind.",
["ItemUsed"] = "You used your ticket to play and put your Anté on the table. The ticket got removed.",
["ItemNeeded"] = "This table needs a ticket!",
  • Alternatively, you can create your own new language file.

  • Create a new lua file inside your language folder and name it like your native language.

  • Copy the default example into your new file and translate everything into your language.

  • Dont forget to change the language abbreviations in the first line! For example a spanish language file should look like this: Language["es"]

  • Change the UsedLang to your new language abbreviation.

5. Choose Framework Variable:

  • Select your desired framework variable. Default supported frameworks include:

    • redemrp (for old version of RedEm:RP)

    • redemrp2 (for new 2023 Reboot version)

    • vorp (for old C# Vorp-Core version)

    • vorp2 (for newer Lua Vorp-Core version)

    • gum (for Gum-Core)

    • rsg (for RSG-Core)

    • qbc (for QB-Core)

  • If your framework isn't supported by default:

    • Set the variable to custom.

    • Adjust the new compatibility.lua file accordingly.

6. Adjust Table Entries:

  • Customize the table entries in the config.lua file according to your preferences.

  • Pay attention to any changes in the required values for each entry.

7. Restore Card Files:

  • Copy your backed-up card files into the html/img/cards/ folder or download the original styles from RDR3 Discoveries GitHub.

8. Start the Script:

  • Once all files are updated and configurations are adjusted, start the script.

9. Enjoy:

  • Begin enjoying the updated features and improvements of your poker script!

Last updated