Language Folder

The folder lets you define different game languages for the script.

Create new language file

At first you have to create a new lua file in the language folder. After that copy the example configuration in your new lua file and make sure you changed the index "en" to a new index, for example "fr" if you want to add a french text file. Now adjust all texts into your language and dont forget to change the UsedLang variable in the config file.

This is the example configuration for english text files:

Language["en"] = {
    --prompt names
    ["Title"] = "Texas Holdem",
    ["StartPrompt"] = "Play",
    ["InfoPrompt"] = "Rules",
    ["BetPrompt"] = "Value",
    ["PlaceBetPrompt"] = "Bet",
    ["RdyToPlayPrompt"] = "Ready",
    ["FoldPrompt"] = "Fold",
    ["SurrenderPrompt"] = "Surrender",
    ["RebuyPrompt"] = "Rebuy",
    ["ChooseBlindPrompt"] = "Small Blind: ~t2~$~q~{AMOUNT}",
    ["ShowCardsPrompt"] = "Cards",
    ["StartMoney"] = "\n~t2~BuyIn Money: ~q~",
    ["BetTextSet"] = "Set",
    ["BetTextCheck"] = "Check",
    ["BetTextAllIn"] = "All-In",
    ["BetTextCall"] = "Call",
    ["BetTextRaise"] = "Raise",
    ["ShowdownRound"] = "Showdown round, cards are revealed.",
    ["CantJoinTable"] = "~t8~The poker table is already full!~q~",
    ["ActionReminder"] = "~t8~Make your turn or you'll be kicked off the table and lose your bet money!~q~",
    ["ActionKick"] = "~t8~You have been kicked off the table...~q~",
    ["TakeAction"] = "~t8~Take an action~q~",
    ["SeatOccupied"] = "This seat is already occupied.",
    ["NoBuyInMoney"] = "~t8~Unfortunately, you don't have enough money to take a seat!~q~",
    ["NoReBuyMoney"] = "~t8~Unfortunately, you don't have enough money.~q~",
    ["PlaceBet"] = "~t8~Place your bet~q~",
    ["SetBlindValue"] = "~t8~Choose the value of the small blind~q~",
    ["PlayerPlacedBet"] = "~t8~{PLAYER_NAME}~q~ puts~t6~ {MONEY}$~q~ in the ~t2~{POT_NAME}~q~.",
    ["PlayerFolded"] = "~t8~{PLAYER_NAME}~q~ folded.",
    ["PlayerChecked"] = "~t8~{PLAYER_NAME}~q~ checked.",
    ["PlayerWinsPot"] = "~t8~{PLAYER_NAME}~q~ won ~t6~${MONEY}~q~ of the ~t2~{POT_NAME}~q~.",
    ["PlayerTiePot"] = "~t8~{PLAYER_NAME}~q~ won jeweils ~t6~${MONEY}~q~ of the ~t2~{POT_NAME}~q~.",
    ["GeneralPot"] = "Pot",
    --Card stuff
    ["cardLabels"] = {
        ["2"] = {"two","twos"},
        ["3"] = {"three","threes"},
        ["4"] = {"four","fours"},
        ["5"] = {"five","fives"},
        ["6"] = {"six","sixes"},
        ["7"] = {"seven","sevens"},
        ["8"] = {"eight","eights"},
        ["9"] = {"nine","nines"},
        ["10"] ={"ten","tens"},
        ["J"] = {"jack","jacks"},
        ["Q"] = {"queen","queens"},
        ["K"] = {"king","kings"},
        ["A"] = {"ace","aces"}
    --labels for hand ranks
    ["RoyalFlush"] = "Royal Flush",
    ["StraightFlush"] = "Straight Flush",
    ["FourOfaKind"] = "Four of a Kind, {CARD_LABEL}",
    ["FullHouse"] = "Full House",
    ["Flush"] = "Flush",
    ["Street"] = "Street, highest card {CARD_LABEL}",
    ["ThreeOfaKind"] = "Three of a Kind, {CARD_LABEL}",
    ["TwoPairs"] = "Two pairs, {CARD_LABEL1} and {CARD_LABEL2}",
    ["OnePair"] = "One pair of {CARD_LABEL}",
    ["HighCard"] = "{CARD_LABEL} as highest card",
    --NUI stuff
    ["NoPlayerNamePrefix"] = "ID: {SERVER_ID}",
    ["MainPot"] = "Main Pot",
    ["SidePot"] = "Side Pot",
    ["PotWinning"] = "{CARD_LABEL}, won ${MONEY}",
    ["PotTie"] = "{CARD_LABEL}, draw ${MONEY}",
    ["WaitingForStart"] = "Wait…",
    ["NotRdy"] = "not ready",
    ["IsRdy"] = "ready",
    ["ChooseSmallBlind"] = "Choose the value of the small blind!",
    ["ChooseSmallBlindOther"] = "Wait for choosing small blind.",
    ["ItemUsed"] = "You used your ticket to play and put your Anté on the table. The ticket got removed.",
    ["ItemNeeded"] = "This table needs a ticket!", -- NEW
    ["PlayersMove"] = "Your turn…",
    ["OtherPlayersMove"] = "'s turn…",
    ["WaitingForPlayer"] = "waiting for players…",
    ["ShuffleDeck"] = "shuffle deck",
    ["WaitingForCards"] = "waiting for cards…",
    ["MoveCheck"] = "checked",
    ["MoveSet"] = "set",
    ["MoveCall"] = "called",
    ["MoveFold"] = "folded",
    ["MoveRaise"] = "raised",
    ["MoveAllin"] = "All-In",
    --Modal Stuff
    ["ModalClose"] = "Close",
    ["ModalBack"] = "Back",
    ["ModalCards"] = "Cards",
    ["Rules"] = "The goal of poker is to win the pot by having the best cards at the end of the game.<br/><br/>"..
                "Over several rounds, cards are dealt to the center of the table and players can place their bets.<br/>"..
                "A player's hand is a combination of 5 cards, 2 from their own hand and 3 additional ones from the middle of the table."..
                "</div><hr style='border:0px;border-top:2px solid #0a0a0a!important;border-bottom:2px solid #2a2a2a!important;margin-left:-11px!important;margin-right:-11px!important'/>",
    ["CardValues"] = "<hr style='border:0px;border-top:2px solid #0a0a0a!important;border-bottom:2px solid #2a2a2a!important;margin-left:-11px!important;margin-right:-11px!important'/>"..
                "<div style='padding-bottom:20px;height:150px;'>Kombinationen:<br/>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Royal Flush</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.RoyalFlush.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:40%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Straight Flush</div><div style='float:right;width:60%;text-align:right'>"..Config.StraightFlush.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Four of a Kind</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.FourKind.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Full House</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.FullHouse.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Flush</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.Flush.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Street</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.Street.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Three of a Kind</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.ThreeKind.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Two pairs</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.TwoPairs.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:30%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>One pair</div><div style='float:right;width:70%;text-align:right'>"..Config.OnePair.."</div>"..
                "<div style='float:left;width:40%;height:50px;line-height:50px;text-align:left'>Highest card</div><div style='float:right;width:60%;text-align:right'>"..Config.Ace.."</div>"..
                "</div><hr style='border:0px;border-top:2px solid #0a0a0a!important;border-bottom:2px solid #2a2a2a!important;margin-left:-11px!important;margin-right:-11px!important'/>",

Last updated